суббота, апреля 15, 2006

Good Friday: The Day After

I know I could not begin to fathom the suffering of Christ on the cross, and I know the North American church does not understand pain. Pain is often explained away in terms of trial and temptation. Pain, or rather suffering as pain is simply part of life in some way, but suffering, hyperbolic psychological, or physical hurt (torment is nearby) is an exploitation of the sensitivity pain and touch provides.

Suffering is a trial, but is that the reason for its presence? To me it seems meaningless, here it might have meaning, as a negative reflection of the ultimately meaningful.

What do you think?

Related is something I was thinking last night in church. I think Christ refused the devil's temptation of jumping from the temple, and let the angels save him before he crashed, because he was to descend from heaven and let himself be shattered on the rocks, not to rely on the 12 legions of Angels to save him. I think suffering is uncovering the core of the World. Not the Earth, but the world which we live in; the Tower of Babel reaching towards Heaven. I think this is the reason why he befriended prostitutes and drunks. They live in the lowest level of the Tower, and can't think of trying to reach the sky from where they are.

Oh well... I need to expound and expand on some of these things.

On something completely unrelated note. Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Easter, all of the Seven Day Adventists are at church now (I can see a few of them across the street), are they going to go back to church tomorrow? I'll keep an eye on them.

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